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Parkway Cares

Parkway employees with Principal Brown

Parkway Cares

We are thrilled to kick off our Parkway Cares Campaign for 2024! Parkway Cares encourages our employees to get involved in our community and this year’s service focus is on providing supplies for the students at Thomas K. Finletter School in Philadelphia. This June, we were so honored to have Principal April Brown from Finletter School join us for our Kick-off lunch event as we discuss what’s next for our partnership!

If you'd like to check out the Facebook post, click here!

Parkway employees at the Great Parkway Bake-Off!

The Parkway family came together for its second annual "Great Parkway Bake-Off" in support of our Parkway Cares initiative! Our Airport team also joined in by selling tasty treats of their own. 

Thank you to everyone who donated and participated!

If you'd like to check out the Facebook post, click here!